You have options.

That's more than just a slogan or even a philosophy: it's a promise. My ongoing mission with Animation Options LLC is to share the production values that I have successfully applied throughout my own animation industry career - CLARITY, CREATIVITY, EFFICIENCY, PRODUCTIVITY and QUALITY - with keen insight, straight talk, constructive action and results.

I've seen precious resources sunk into uncompelling stories with no heart and no market position. I've seen production workflows that neither "work" nor "flow". And I've seen independent animation producers slog through the bloody trenches of production with no distribution strategy in place - no light at the end of the tunnel. You might be the CEO of an animation startup, looking to make your mark in the global industry. You might be the head of production at a major studio, seeking to optimize your legacy infrastructure and reinvigorate your team. Or you may be an independent content creator, in need of practical business guidance to accompany your creative development. Whatever your place in the inspiration economy of animation, I encourage you to entertain the possibilities of world-class results under any circumstances, and join Animation Options' growing list of satisfied clients.

You have options.

Kevin Geiger, President & CEO

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